Friday 27 March 2015

Green Day - Friday 27th March

The whole school took part in Green Day to help clean up our school. Each class had a designated area of the school that they picked up rubbish in and generally gave it a super tidy.
Room 4 cleaned around the 'Friendship' seat and in and around the bushes and hedges in that area.
We need to check all the small places.

That's it,  grab that bit of rubbish under the hedge.

I think it is looking pretty clean in this area now.

One last check for any rubbish everybody.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Term 1 2015

Term 1 2015

Welcome to Room 4 2015
We are looking forward to an exciting year in Room 4, filled with challenges and new learning. 
We have settled quickly in to our new classroom and are getting to know our new classmates.

Monday 25 August 2014

Week 5 Term 3

The Arts

The arts can be used to communicate ideas and experiences creatively:

  • What are the different forms of art?
  • How have famous artists used the arts to express their ideas and experiences?
  • How can we use the arts to express our ideas, feelings and experiences creatively?

We have been learning about 'The Arts' for the last two months and to celebrate our learning we had a open afternoon where our parents, family and friends could come in and view our amazing work.
"Janet Jackson is a amazing performer" says Taleia
Tara thinks Salvador Dahli is a pretty cool artist.
Ryan thinks Elvis Presley is the 'King of Rock n Roll.
"Georgia O'keefe created beautiful paintings" says Margot
The following are a series of photos that highlight our work.
Abby shows off her report on Margot Fonteyn.

Bailey does a great impersonation of Michael Jackson.

Rock on 'The Beatles' says Lucan

Jessica thinks Michael Flatley is an amazing dancer.

Harrison thinks Andy Warhol is an interesting artist.

Pablo Picasso was a very talented artist says Mila.

Hanna thinks Rembrandt was an artist of great talent.

Zahra thinks Pablo Picasso was very talented.

Ricky thinks Jackson Pollock was an incredibly talented artist.

Jackson learnt lots of information about Peit Mondrian.

James thinks Hennri Matisse is a special artist.

Jackson discovered some very interesting facts about Van Gogh.

Samuel chose to study our own local hero, James Wright.

Joseph studied Leonardo da Vinci for his information report.

Jack thought it was pretty cool that his relative Bettina Ellis is an artist.

How cool is Eminen says Cory.

Monet was a very colourful artist says Isaac.

Ella thinks Katy Perry is a very modern pop star.

Emma thinks Michael Angelo was one of the most famous artists of all time.

Rhylie researched a popular group called the American Authors.

Janna thinks Taylor is a very successful star.

Banksy created some pretty awesome art says Olivia.

Thursday 7 August 2014

Maths Roadshow
The Pohutukawa Team had a fantastic time today (7/8/14),
being able to manipulate different pieces of equipment to help solve some mathematical problems.
They had to work as part of a group to complete a series of tasks.
Everybody had a fun time completing the activities.

Saturday 26 July 2014

Term 3

Welcome to Term 3
Hi everybody.
Welcome back to school and to Term 3. 
We have an action packed term ahead of us, with lots of things to remember and look forward to.
At the moment we are in full swing training for Cross Country. Now that the winter weather has settled a little, we are able to get onto the field and train around the actual track.
Week 3 will be the Cross Country event where all our hard training will pay off.
Remember to bring your PE clothes to train in.

At the end of this term we have our school Agricultural Day. Most of the children have already chosen an animal to raise for this exciting day.
If they are not choosing to raise an animal, the children are going to create a living plant sculpture.
Keep looking on the school website to check for updates about Ag Day.

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Book Week - Week 2 - Term 2
As part of Book Week we had an opportunity to share books with other classes. Every day we shared with a different class. They read stories to us and we read stories to them.
Zahra and Rhylie are reading together to Dana.

Lucy is reading with such expression to Emma.
Olivia is very interested in the story that Abby is reading.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Term 2 Inquiry Unit
Last term we visited MOTAT as part of our Integrated Studies Unit. We had such a great day. The children were so excited and motivated about the exhibitions we saw and have been able to discuss in detail how simple machines have made our lives easier.