
Room 4 Writing - Term 1

L.I. - We have been learning to structure and write an information report.
S.C. - We know we have achieved this when we can:

  • Write a title to interest the reader
  • Write a short opening introductory paragraph which tells what the report is about
  • Write at least 3 paragraphs describing appearance, behaviour and habitat of the subject
  • Conclude the report with a personal comment about the subject of the report
  • Use labelled pictures or diagrams to give more information to the reader

Please read some of them.
The Famous Kiwi
New zealand's famous,flightless,nocturnal,amazing kiwi is soon to be extinct.

The kiwis natural habitats are NZ woods and forests. They are hard to find because they sometimes blend into their background.

The kiwis diet is most unusual. They eat things such as …
berries,cockroaches,crickets,spiders,worms,cicadas and other bugs.

There are many different breeds of a kiwi and they are …
the brown,little spotted,great spotted,rowi,tokoeka and the Northland brown.

The kiwi is almost extinct. They are very special and are amazing creatures. In 100 years it is said that they will be gone.   

    The kiwi is an amazing part of the environment.
             By Bella                 
 By Isabella

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