Room 4 Home Learning

Term 3

Home learning for week 9-10 - (to be completed by the beginning of week 10)
Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Dragon Maths pages - (to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 10)
DM 2 - Pg 59
DM 3 - Pg 36
DM 4 - Pg 35
DM 5 - Pg 45
Weekly Quiz - Complete Week 9 weekly quiz - ready to mark on Monday of Week 10.
Escape Plan – Complete the escape plan diagram for your home. Remember to include on the diagram where your smoke alarms are. Complete by Monday of Week 10.
Jolly Jars - Due in at school Friday of Week 9

Home learning for week 8-9 - (to be completed by the beginning of week 9)
Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Finish your Book Review if you have not done so.
Dragon Maths pages - (to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 9)
DM 2 - Pg 58
DM 3 - Pg 35
DM 4 - Pg 34
DM 5 - Pg 44

Weekly Quiz - Complete Week 8 weekly quiz - ready to mark on Monday of Week 9.
Jolly Jars - Due in at school Friday of Week 9

Home learning for week 7-8 -(to be completed by the beginning of week 8)
Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Finish your Book Review ready for presentation.
Complete the Commercial Dig handout
Dragon Maths pages - (to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 7)
DM 2 - Pg 57
DM 3 - Pg 34
DM 4 - Pg 33
DM 5 - Pg 43

Weekly Quiz - Complete Week 7 weekly quiz - ready to mark on Friday of week 7.

Home learning for week 6-7 -(to be completed by the beginning of week 7)
Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Due to the time we have spent on speeches our book reviews will now need to be completed by the end of week 6.
Presentations of these to the class will start at the beginning of week 7.

Dragon Maths pages - (to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 7)
DM 2 - Pg 56
DM 3 - Pg 33
DM 4 - Pg 32
DM 5 - Pg 42

Weekly Quiz - Complete Week 6 weekly quiz - ready to mark on Friday of week 6.

Spelling words for Week 6 & 7
Group 1 Week 6
Group 1 Week 7
Group 2 Week 6
Group 2 Week 7
Group 3 Week 6
Group 3 Week 7

Home learning for week 4-5 -(to be completed by the beginning of week 6)
Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Due to the time we have spent on speeches our book reviews will now need to be completed by the end of week 6.
Presentations of these to the class will start at the beginning of week 7.

Dragon Maths pages - (to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 6)
DM 2 - Pg 71, 72, 83, 84
DM 3 - Pg 74, 75, 79, 81
DM 4 - Pg 77,78, 84, 85
DM 5 - Pg 77, 78, 79, 82

Weekly Quiz - Complete Week 4 weekly quiz - ready to mark on Friday of week 4.

Home learning for week 1-3 -(to be completed by the beginning of week 3)

Read each night for a minimum of 20 minutes.
This term you will be expected to focus on writing some book reviews about some of the books you are reading independently. We will go over the structure in class and then you will complete these independently as part of your home learning. 
There will be a set time frame within which these need to be completed and presented to the class. The first one will need to be completed by the beginning of week 4.

Dragon Maths pages(to be completed and marked by the beginning of week 3)
DM 2 - Pg 69, 70, 81, 82
DM 3 - Pg 72, 73, 77, 78
DM 4 - Pg 75,76, 82, 83
DM 5 - Pg 75, 76, 80, 81

Speeches - You need to start preparing your speech as soon as possible. Get your topic choice sorted this week and then next week we will go over the structure of writing a speech. You will have some class time to write it but most of it will be completed at home.
Here is the link to the powerpoint that has information to help you with this.

Speech information, format and criteria link

Remember that you have to present a 3 minute speech on your chosen topic, so try to keep to this time frame as much as possible.
You will also have to present a 1 minute impromptu speech to the class as well. We will spend some time in class practising this type of speech.
A timetable for when you will be presenting these speeches will be given to you shortly, however you need to be ready to present both of these from the beginning of week 3.

Term 2
Home Learning Week 3 Term 2
  Home Learning this week:
1.     Read each evening for at least 15 minutes.
2.     Complete the Dragon Maths pages.
-       DM2 – 19, 20, 98 & 99
-       DM3 – 98 & 99
-       DM4 – 4, 5, 95 & 96
-       DM5 – 4, 5, 95 & 96
4.     Practise basic facts for a test on Thursday
5.     French Home Learning
6.     Weekly Quiz

7.     Natural Resources Action Plan and Power Point

Home Learning Week 1 Term 2
  Home Learning this week:
1.     Read each evening for at least 15 minutes.
2.     Complete the Dragon Maths pages.
-       DM2 – 96 & 97
-       DM3 – 96 & 97
-       DM4 – 93 & 94
-       DM5 – 93 & 94
3.     Complete the holiday Reading Activity
4.     Practise basic facts for a test on Thursday
5.     French Home Learning
6.     Weekly Quiz
7.     Activate Natural Resources Action Plan

Term 1
Home Learning – Term 1  Week 8/9

My Home Learning this week is to:

1. Complete the Weekly Quiz for the week.
2. Complete the maths Statistics problems.
3. Read every night for at least 20 minutes.
4. Learn my spelling words for the week. I will then put them each in a sentence to show that I know       what they mean.
5. Learn my basic facts for this week's test.
6. Finish any work that is outstanding.

Home Learning – Term 1  Week 7

My Home Learning this week is to:

1. Complete the Weekly Quiz for the week.

2. Write a short essay about Natural Resources and how we can help to sustain them.
    Include an opening paragraph that identifies what our Natural Resources are and then four to five       paragraphs that state what we as a community can do to reduce our use of them.
    Think carefully about the information we have researched and try to include some of the following     points in your writing - Renewable and non-renewable resources, sustainability, reduce, reuse and       recycle. 
    Remember to list any on-line resources you have used.

3. Try the Maths challenge for this week
    Cats and Bods

4.  Revise your basic facts for a test on Thursday.

5.  Read for at least 15-20 mins every evening.


Home Learning – Term 4  Week 7/8

My Home Learning this week is to:

  • Read every night for 15 minutes and log it in my Reading Log.
  • Learn my spelling words and write each one in a sentence.
  • Complete my AWS maths
AWS Maths
Book 2 – Pg 42 Activity 9
Book 3 – Pg 37 Activity 4
Book 4 – Pg 36 Activity 3

Home Learning – Term 4  Week 6/7

My Home Learning this week is to:
·       Read every night for 15 minutes and log it in my Reading Log.
·       Learn my spelling words and write each one in a sentence.
·       Complete my AWS maths
AWS Maths
Book 2 – Pg 39 Activity 6
Book 3 – Pg 36 Activity 3

Book 4 – Pg 37 Activity 4

Home Learning – Term 4  Week 5/6

My Home Learning this week is to:
·       Read every night for 15 minutes and log it in my Reading Log.
·       Learn my spelling words and write each one in a sentence.
·       Complete my AWS maths
AWS Maths
Book 2 – Pg 53 Activity 20
Book 3 – Pg 50 Activity 17
Book 4 – Pg 50 Activity 17

Unit of Inquiry: ‘Who we are’

Using the inquiry sheet, start to gather information about the body system you are going to research.


The focus for this inquiry will be learning:
·       What are the systems in our body?
·       What is the role and function of the systems in our body?

Find and record the definitions for these words: - record these in your home learning book.


Choose one of the following body systems and start to research some information about it.
Body systems to choose from: Respiratory, Nervous, Digestive, Circulatory, Skeletal

Things to think about when you are doing your research
  1. What is its role (job) in the body?
  2. What does it have to do to carry out its role?
  3. Include  a diagram of it and write a few sentences to explain your diagram
  4. Record 4 interesting things you learnt about the system you have chosen

Important information:
This information should be bought to school where we will be collating everything and putting it together in an explanation about the body system you have chosen.
Remember we have to follow the writing process of planning, writing, improving and presenting. You also need to follow the Author Think Circle at school for editing your work.

HomeLearning - Week 4/5

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 52 - worksheet 19
Book 3
Pg 49 - worksheet 16
Book 4
Pg 49 - worksheet 16

Things to remember:
Weetbix tryathlon entries
2nd hand books and clothes for market day

HomeLearning - Week 4

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 30 - worksheet 39/40
Book 3
Pg 30 - worksheet 39/40
Book 4
Pg 30 - worksheet 39/40

HomeLearning - Week 1/2

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 28 - worksheet 35/36
Book 3
Pg 28 - worksheet 35/36
Book 4
Pg 28 - worksheet 35/36

Athletics Day is coming up in week 3. Remember to bring in your permission slip and $5.
Weetbix Tryathlon forms need to be in soon so that everyone can be registered on time.

Term 3
HomeLearning - Week 7/8
My Home Learning this week is to:

·       Read every night for 15 minutes and log it in my Reading Log.
·       Learn my spelling words.
·       Money Words
·       Using the money chart, add up the cost of each of your words.
Number your paper and write the words and their values.
Example: thing t (5¢) + h (10¢) + i (15¢) + n (5¢) + g (5¢) = 40¢
·       Complete my AWS maths
·       Remember to decide on the animal you are going to write your information report on.
Research some information about your animal so that you can bring it into school to write about. Don’t forget, it has to be an animal found in New Zealand.

AWS Maths
Book 2 – Pg 43 Activity 10
Book 3 – Pg 39 Activity 6

Book 4 – Pg 39 Activity 6

HomeLearning - Week 5/6

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

Finishing work - finish any work from last week that you did not complete because you were busy completing your information report.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 27  - worksheet 33/34
Book 3
Pg 27 - worksheet 33/34
Book 4
Pg 27 - worksheet 33/34

HomeLearning - Week 4/5

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.
Remember to time yourself and add up how many you get right.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

Inquiry - Remember to think about how you are going to present your information report. You need to decide in the next few days so that you can start to put your presentation together.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 26  - worksheet 31/32 
Book 3
Pg 26 - worksheet 31/32
Book 4
Pg 26 - worksheet 31/32

HomeLearning - Week 3/4

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 24 - worksheet 29/30
Book 3
Pg 24 - worksheet 29/30
Book 4
Pg 24 - worksheet 29/30

Inquiry - Remember to research information about your famous artist and bring it into school. 
Also start to think about how you will present your information report.
This can be presented on a science board, in a clear file, a power point, booklet or any other way you choose.

HomeLearning - Week 2/3

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 23 - worksheet 27/28
Book 3
Pg 23 - worksheet 27/28
Book 4
Pg 23 - worksheet 27/28

HomeLearning - Week 1/2

Our HomeLearning this term will follow the format from last term. 

Practise your basic facts - addition and subtraction as well as multiplication and division.

Reading - remember to read each night for a minimum of 15 minutes and fill in your reading log.

Spelling - Learn your spelling words and write each one in a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of the words.

AWS Maths
Book 2
Pg 22 - worksheet 25/26
Pg 50 - worksheet 17
Book 3
Pg 22 - worksheet 25/26
Pg 47 - worksheet 17
Book 4
Pg 22 - worksheet 25/26
Pg 46 - worksheet 13

Term 2

Home Learning - Week 5/6

Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Please remember to fill in your log each day. It is great to see so many of you keeping track of your reading.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test on Thursday.

Science-a-thon - Practise your questions so that you can make the goal of scoring 100%.
Remember also, to get as many sponsors as you can. There are prizes for those students who raise the most money. Keep trying and GOOD LUCK.

AWS Maths - Book 2 Pg 54/55 - Book 3/4 Pg 51/52

Check out our maths page for some great websites to help with multiplication. 

Home Learning - Week 4/5

Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Please remember to fill in your log each day. It is great to see so many of you keeping track of your reading.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test on Thursday.

Science-a-thon - Practise your questions so that you can make the goal of scoring 100%.
Remember also, to get as many sponsors as you can. There are prizes for those students who raise the most money. Keep trying and GOOD LUCK.

Check out our maths page for some great websites to help with multiplication.

Home Learning - Week 3/4

Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Please remember to fill in your log each day. It is great to see so many of you keeping track of your reading.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test on Thursday.

Science-a-thon - Practise your questions so that you can make the goal of scoring 100%.
Remember also, to get as many sponsors as you can. There are prizes for those students who raise the most money. Keep trying and GOOD LUCK.

Home Learning - Week 2/3

Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Please remember to fill in your log each day. It is great to see so many of you keeping track of your reading.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test on Thursday.

Times Tables - This week you should practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Have someone at home test you on them each day.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's pages that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.
This week Pg 15 Activities 13 & 14 and Pg 47 (AWS 2) Pg 42 (AWS 3 & 4)

Please remember your sports uniform on Tuesday for Te Puru Sports.
Tuesday is also our Library Day.

Home Learning  - Week 11/12
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Many children have reached 25 nights of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart. 
There are three children who have reached 50 nights as well. FANTASTIC!

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday - The last one for the term.

Basic Facts - Complete the next row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's pages that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.
This week Pg 14 Activities 11 & 12 and Pg 61 (AWS 2 & 3) Pg 60 (AWS 4)

Remember that Easter Raffle tickets and money is due in on Monday.

We will be having our last swim before the pool closes at the end of the term, on Tuesday, so bring your togs.

Home Learning  - Week 10/11
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Many children have reached 25 nig
hts of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart. There are a number of children who are close to 50 nights as well. FANTASTIC!

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 

Basic Facts - Complete the next row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's page that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.
This week Pg 12 Activities 9&10

Remember to keep selling those Easter raffle tickets. 
This coming Friday is GREEN DAY. Remember to wear green for the day.

Home Learning  - Week 9/10
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Many children have reached 25 nights of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart. There are a number of children who are close to 50 nights as well. FANTASTIC!

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 

Basic Facts - Complete the next row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's page that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.
This week Pg 11 Activities 7&8

REMEMBER - Motat trip is on Tuesday. The bus will be leaving school at 9.00am so please be at school on time - at least 15 minutes before.

Easter Raffle - get selling those tickets and remember, if you need more just call in at the office. 
School Mufti day - Friday 4th April. Remember to bring in Easter Eggs for the Easter raffle.

Home Learning  - Week 8/9
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Some children have reached 25 nights of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart. We are up to about 13 readers now.
Other children are close to reaching this goal too. Well done.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 

Basic Facts - Complete the next row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's pages that have been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.
This week Pg 10 & Pg 34.

REMEMBER - Motat trip permission forms and payment. Please return these to school asap.

House Chants - Keep up the fantastic work, so that your house will be the best it can be on Friday 28th March.

Easter Raffle - get selling those tickets and remember, if you need more just call in at the office. 


Home Learning  - Week 7/8
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Some children have reached 25 nights of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart. We are up to about 10 readers now.
Other children are close to reaching this goal too. Well done.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 

Basic Facts - Complete the third row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's page that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.


Home Learning  - Week 6/7
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Yahoo! Some children have reached 25 nights of reading and have received their special sticker on the classroom chart.
Other children are close to reaching this goal too. Well done.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 
The new spelling lists have come home this week. These lists have been set as a result of the recent class testing.

Basic Facts - Complete the second row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.
Please do not skip ahead and complete more than is required.

AWS Maths - Complete this week's page that has been highlighted in the front of your AWS Book. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.


Home Learning  - Week 5/6
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Some of you must be getting very close to achieving your first sticker. How exciting. 
Remember, when you get to 25 nights of reading bring your log into school so that a sticker can also go on the class chart.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Thursday. 

Basic Facts - Complete the first row on the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could run through it a few times and try to get faster at recalling them each time. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.

AWS Maths - Yes, we now have our new maths home learning books. This week just complete the first section in the book - number 1. Remember to tick in the front of the book when you have completed it and get somebody from home to help you mark it.


Home Learning  - Week 4/5
Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.

Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Friday. Try the new spelling sheet in your Home Learning Book to help you learn them.

Basic Facts - Complete the basic facts sheet in your Home Learning Book. You could complete just a little each night. Get somebody at home to help you mark them.

Home Learning  - Week 3/4

Reading log - remember to read for at least 10 - 15 minutes every night.
Spelling - 10 spelling words to learn over the next week. Be ready for a spelling test next Friday.
Home Learning title page - complete a title page on the first page of the home learning page

Home Learning Room 10 - 2014

Each week our home learning will be up dated on this page so that there will be no confusion about what is expected.

Please encourage your children to have a look at this page as well, so that they can double check that they are have completed all that they need to.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear! We've forgotten some of our words for tomorrow's test. Lesson learnt: write down the 10 words BEFORE Thursdays when the home learning book is handed in! ;) Jackson & mum
    PS Loved looking at the photos! Some nice work being done. And Jackson loves playing with Luther.
