Our Maths Learning

Term 3 - 2015
Check out the websites below to help understand and practise some of the areas we will be learning in this unit.

Interactive games and activities

Term 2 - 2015
Number - For the first part of this Term our focus for maths is Number. Within this we will concentrate on Decimal place value, addition and subtraction strategies and multiplication and division strategies.
Check out some of the following websites that can help in these areas as well as give opportunities to practise.

Term 1 - 2015
Statistics - Our current maths topic is statistics. We are taking part in the 2015 Census at School Survey. We have to measure various parts of our body and then answer a range of  topical questions. We will submit our responses online and then later on we can use this nationwide data to carry out our own investigations.
Statistical investigation
- Conduct investigations using the statistical inquiry cycle:
    gather, sort, and display multivariate categories and whole number data and simple time-series data to answer questions;
    identifying patterns and trends in context, within and between data sets;
    communicate findings, using data displays.

Measurement -Length
Over the next few weeks our focus for maths will on measurement - length. We will be looking at standard and non-standard measures for measuring the height, width and length of various objects.
We will be comparing different objects and ordering objects according to their length.
The following are some cool websites that we will be using throughout this unit.

Addition and subtraction
Over the next few weeks we will focus on our addition and subtraction skills, including place-value.
Visit the Study Ladder website as well as have a look at some of the following websites to help you.

Maths - 2014
For the next few weeks we will be learning about money. We need to be able to recognise all of the coins and notes in the New Zealand currency as well as be able to give change for various amounts. We will also be learning to total up various amounts. We are looking forward to learning more about money.
Check out these websites.

Our latest topic has been around learning fractions.
This has been going really well and we are now confident with discussing numerators, denominators, halves, quarters, thirds, fifths etc.
The following two websites are great fun so try them at home.

Multiplication and Division
Our current topic for maths is multiplication and division.
We will be learning our times tables both at home and at school.

Try these websites at home to help with multiplication:


WALT: Conduct a statistical inquiry.

Success Criteria: I can

  • Decide on a question to ask.
  • Collect data based on question.
  • Display data on a graph.
  • Analyse data and make a statement about what it shows

  • We are collecting data about the most common pet in Room 10.

    Those tally charts are filling up.

    What pet do you have at home Ella?

    Look at what my data shows Isaac.

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