Integrated Studies

TERM 3 - How We Express Ourselves
Central Idea
Art is connected to emotions and can be represented in a variety of ways.
Inquiry Focus
  • What is the purpose of art?(form, perspective)
  • How do artists communicate their emotions through art? (function and causation)
  • How do we respond to art? (perspective)
Design and create an installation art using at least 2 different disciplines of art (dance, drama, visual art, music)

What is the purpose of art?
How do artists communicate emotion through art?
How do we respond to art?
(Learning disposition or key focus)
Reciprocal - we collaborate and learn together
Names 3 or more reasons why people create art

Gives a specific example of each from each discipline
Able to use and discuss elements from at least 3 disciplines to create installation art

Discipline reflections show an understanding of the key elements and how they are used to express emotion. Supported by specific examples.
Discipline reflections include a personal response to artworks viewed that links back to the purposes of art and the elements and ideas discussed in sessions

Can discuss how an installation art communicates an emotion and their response to it.
  • I can be self reliant
  • I can collaborate on my learning with others
  • I consider other people’s perspectives and can show empathy
  • I can listen carefully and respect diverse points of view
  • I can be a cooperative team member and a team leader
  • I learn from the positive skills and attitudes of those around me
Names 3 reasons why people create art

Gives a specific example of each (across disciplines)
Able to use and discuss elements from at least 2 disciplines to create installation art

Discipline reflections show an understanding of the key elements and how they are used to express emotion. Supported by examples.
Discipline reflections include a personal response to artworks viewed with links to the purposes of art and or the elements and ideas discussed in sessions

Can discuss how an installation art communicates an emotion and their response to it.
  • I can be self reliant
  • I can collaborate on my learning with others
  • I consider other people’s perspectives and can show empathy
  • I can listen carefully and respect diverse points of view
  • I can be a cooperative team member and a team leader
  • I learn from the positive skills and attitudes of those around me
Names at least 2 reasons why people create art

Gives some examples
Able to use and discuss elements from at least 1 discipline to create installation art

Discipline reflections show an improved understanding of the key elements and how they are used to express emotion.
Discipline reflections include a personal response to artworks viewed with some links to the purposes of art or the elements and ideas discussed in sessions

Can discuss how an installation art communicates an emotion and their response to it.
  • I can be self reliant
  • I can collaborate on my learning with others
  • I consider other people’s perspectives and can show empathy
  • I can listen carefully and respect diverse points of view
  • I can be a cooperative team member and a team leader
  • I learn from the positive skills and attitudes of those around me
Names at least 1 reason why people create art

Gives an example
Able to use and discuss elements from at least 1 discipline to create installation art with support

Discipline reflections show an improved understanding of the key elements and how they are used to express emotion with support.
Discipline reflections include a personal response to some artworks viewed.

Can discuss how an installation art communicates an emotion and their response to it with teacher support
  • I can be self reliant
  • I can collaborate on my learning with others
  • I consider other people’s perspectives and can show empathy
  • I can listen carefully and respect diverse points of view
  • I can be a cooperative team member and a team leader
  • I learn from the positive skills and attitudes of those around me

Inquiry Plan - How the world works - Term 2/3 2015
Central Idea
Scientific thinking can impact society and the environment.

Key Questions

  • What is scientific thinking? (form)
  • How does science impact society and the environment? (causation)
  • How do we use science in our everyday lives? (connection)

Clevedon School Year 6/7/8 Science Fair Marking Rubric 2015
Year 6




Year 7&8



Thought and understanding
1: Exhibit demonstrates some scientific thought.

2: Question is stated.

3: Some of: aim, method, hypothesis, results and data are present.

4: Observations are not recorded.

5: Results are present

6: No conclusions present
1: Exhibit demonstrates some scientific thought.

2: Question is stated.

3: Aim, method, hypothesis, results and data are present.

4: Observations are recorded.

5: Results are recorded on a table or graph.

6: A conclusion is drawn.

1: Exhibit demonstrates some scientific thought.

2: Questions cause and effect are identified.

3: Clear aim, method, hypothesis, results and data are present.

4: Observations are recorded logically and clearly.

5: Results are recorded clearly on a table and/or graph.

6: Conclusions are drawn.

1: Exhibit demonstrates clear scientific thought.

2: Questions cause and effect are identified.

3: Experiments are devised and include- method, accuracy, hypothesis, variables, results and data.

4: Observations are clear and precise and recorded logically.

5: Results are recorded clearly and accurately on a table and/or graph.

6: Insightful conclusions are drawn and suitable discussion is recorded. There is a “So what”


7: Poses a question

8: Some use of data evident

9: No use of equipment or materials shown
7: Simple question investigated

8: Has obtained and handled data

9: Some use of equipment and materials shown.
7: Question is original or has an original twist on a standard question

8: Has obtained, handled, and shows some interpretation of data.

9: Use of equipment and materials shown.
7: Question is original and there is uniqueness in approach.

8: Shown resourcefulness in obtaining, handling and interpreting data.

9: Ingenious use of equipment and materials shown.


10: Some investigation completed

11: Incomplete records and analysis.
10: Some reasonable aspects have been investigated.

11: Records are shown, but no evidence of analysis is shown.
10: Most reasonable aspects have been investigated.

11: Records are detailed and evidence of analysis is shown.
10: All reasonable aspects have been investigated.

11: Records are detailed and evidence of analysis in depth and sufficient detail.
12: Project not handed in

13: No logbook
12: Presentation is unclear, not planned and lacks finishing touches

13:  Logbook is unclear and/or incomplete
12: Presentation is clear, well planned and neatly finished.

13:  Logbook is clear and shows some evidence and reflection during process.
12: Clarity of presentation is obvious, well planned and neatly finished. Has public appeal.

13:  Logbook is clear, well planned and shows evidence of reflection throughout the scientific process

The following are useful websites that will help you throughout the Scientific process when completing your Science project.

 Sharing the Planet - Term 1 Inquiry Unit 2015
Central Idea
The choices people make have an impact on the earth’s natural resources.

Key Questions
  • Why have the earth’s natural resources become more limited over time? (change)
  • What are the consequences of how we are using the earth’s resources? (causation)
  • What action do I need to take to help sustain the earth’s resources? (reflection, responsibility)

Sharing the Planet

The choices people make have an impact on the earth’s natural resources.


Evaluate the behaviours and actions of a group of people (your family, your class, the school, a year level, local community) that have consequences on the earth’s natural resources. Develop and implement an action plan to improve the sustainability of the earth’s natural resources based on the behaviours and actions of your chosen group.
Levels of action:
  • Direct action - requires direct contact (physically planting trees, setting up system around rubbish around the school, doing the action)
  • Advocacy - when people raise awareness to eliminate the causes of a specific problem (spokesperson, promotion) / Raising awareness (posters, websites, dissemination of information) to eliminate the causes of a specific problem.
  • Indirect action channels resources to the problem without actually acting.

Why have the earth’s natural resources become more limited over time? (change)
What are the consequences of how we are using the earth’s resources? (causation)
(reflection, responsibility)
(Learning disposition or key focus)
Reflective - we take time to think
Compare and contrast the changes to at least 2  natural resources over time (then and now).

Give an indepth explanation of a variety of reasons why the earth’s natural resources have become limited over time, giving specific examples linked to specific natural resources.

Make links and identify patterns of change across natural resources.  
Identify a wide range of consequences for how we are using a particular resource with several other related consequences


Give examples of how this would impact at a local, national and international level.
Evaluate the behaviours of a group and how their actions contribute to the sustainability of the earth’s resources.

Use the  evaluation, create a detailed action plan outlining the actions we will take to implement more sustainable practices.

The above is supported by a variety of specific evidence of action.
(reflecting an ongoing commitment)
  • I am self managing with my learning
  • I can plan for my needs, set goals and work towards them
  • I can be flexible and change my approach as I go
  • I know myself as a learner and can self assess with integrity
  • I can discuss my learning, my assessments and my next steps
Compare and contrast the changes to at least 2 natural resources over time (then and now).

List a variety of reasons why the earth’s natural resources have become limited over time, give specific examples linked to specific natural resources.
Identify a range of consequences for how we are using a particular resource.


Identify one consequence of how we are using a natural resource with several other related consequences


Give examples of how this would impact at a local, national and international level.
Evaluate the behaviours of a group and how their actions contribute to the sustainability of the earth’s resources.

Using the evaluation, create an action plan outlining the actions we will take to implement more sustainable practices.

The above is supported by a variety of evidence of action.
  • I am self managing with my learning
  • I can plan for my needs, set goals and work towards them
  • I can be flexible and change my approach as I go
  • I know myself as a learner and can self assess with integrity
  • I can discuss my learning, my assessments and my next steps
Compare and contrast the changes to one  natural resources over time (then and now).

List some reasons why the earth’s natural resources have become limited over time, may give specific examples linked to specific natural resources.
Identify a few consequences for how we are using a particular resource (the consequences may be similar).


Identify one consequence of how we are using a natural resource with a few other related consequences


Give examples of how this would impact at a local, national and international level (may need support to do so).
Evaluate the behaviours of a group and how their actions contribute to the sustainability of the earth’s resources.

Using the evaluation, creates an action plan outlining the actions we will take to implement more sustainable practices (may need teacher support to accomplish this).

The above is supported by a variety of evidence of action.
  • I am self managing with my learning
  • I can plan for my needs, set goals and work towards them
  • I can be flexible and change my approach as I go
  • I know myself as a learner and can self assess with integrity
  • I can discuss my learning, my assessments and my next steps
Identify changes to one natural resources over time (then and now).

List at least one reason why the earth’s natural resource has become limited over time.
Identify a few consequences for how we are using a particular resource (the consequences may be similar/or may be unrelated).


Identify one consequence of how we are using a natural resource with a few other related consequences (with support).


Give examples of how this would impact at a local, national and international level (may need support to do so - or only identifies at one level).
List some of their current behaviours that may have an impact on the environment.

Create a basic action plan outlining some actions we will take to implement more sustainable practices (actions may not be related to evaluation of current behaviors and/or be generic).

Limited or no evidence of action.
  • I am self managing with my learning
  • I can plan for my needs, set goals and work towards them
  • I can be flexible and change my approach as I go
  • I know myself as a learner and can self assess with integrity
  • I can discuss my learning, my assessments and my next steps
Inquiry focus (key questions) and Concepts
Inquiry focus (key questions) and Concepts
Inquiry focus (key questions) and Concepts

  Who we are - Term 4 Inquiry Unit

Central Idea

Our bodies are complicated machines that require understanding and need looking after

Inquiry focus (key questions) and Concepts 

What is the role and function of the systems in our body?

What are the connection between the body systems?

What factors influence human well being?

The following is a copy of the rubric that our students will self-assess against.

Assessment Rubric - WHO WE ARE

Our bodies are complicated machines that require understanding and need looking after

What is the role and function of the systems in our body?
I can explain what a body system is

I can explain what function and role mean
I can list and explain two or more different body systems and what their role is
I can explain, compare and contrast the role and function of 3 systems in our  body

I can explain and summarise all body systems

and present my findings in two different ways
What are the connection between the body systems?
I can share my findings about body systems
I can explain a simple body system
I can create a diagram to show a body system
and explain how it is connected to another body system

I can create a diagram to show the connection between two body systems
What factors influence human well being?
I can list ways I can care for my body/myself?
I can discuss ways in which I can care for myself and give details on how to do so
I can explain the causes and consequences of sickness - eg, headache, cold, flu

I can identify ways in which we, as humans, can maintain the health of our body
Key Competency


Relating to others
I can share what I know about body systems and their role
I can ask questions and I am curious to find out about the roles and functions of the systems in our body
I seek, use and create knowledge
I reflect on my learning
I problem-solve, question, reflect and share my new knowledge and understanding

The following websites may be helpful to research information about the body systems.

Sharing the Planet

Our latest unit of Inquiry has been about how living things share the world and affect each others’ lives.
Our key questions have been the following -

  • Why do living things live in particular habitats?
  • How do living things impact each other?
  • What are our responsibilities to other living things?

The following is a copy of the rubric that our students have self-assessed against.

Assessment Rubric - SHARING THE PLANET
Living things share the world and affect each others’ lives

Why do living things live in particular habitats?
I can explain what a habitat is
I can list and explain two different  habitats (NZ) and the living things found there
I can match living things to habitats and compare and contrast two different habitats using scientific vocabulary
I can explain and summarise how living things are suited to  particular habitats and present my findings in two different ways
How do living things impact each other?
I can share my findings about living things and their needs
I can explain a simple food chain
I can create a diagram to show a food chain
I can explain each part of the food chain
I can create a diagram of a food chain and can discuss the consequences of this for the future
What are our responsibilities to other living things?
I can list ways I can care for the environment
I can discuss ways I can care for the environment and give details
I can explain the causes and consequences of environmental change on the habitat of living things
(both natural and human causes)
I can identify the issues affecting an environment and suggest ways in which we, as humans, can make changes for the future
Key Competency


Relating to others
I can share what I know about living things and their habitats
I can ask questions and I am curious to find out about living things and their habitats
I seek, use and create knowledge
I reflect on my learning
I problem-solve, question, reflect and share my new knowledge and understanding

Conclusion: Oral presentation of information report about a chosen animal


Our latest study is all about 'The Arts'.  We have been researching information about a famous artist and putting this information into a report that we can then talk about.

See Home page for more details and photos about this exciting topic.

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