Wednesday 6 November 2013

School Athletics Day - 1st November 2013
We had been training really hard for this day and it was a huge success. The weather was great and everybody had a great time. There are some very fast, strong and agile children at Clevedon School.
Look at some of the highlights of the day.
The track looks very professional.

All great athletes have to have rest time!!

Check out the running style of these athletes.
So close to the finishing line - keep going.
That stadium is huge - just like the Olympics.
What a cute chicken Katherine.
 Agriculture Day - October 2013

We had such a fun time taking part in the Clevedon School Agriculture Day.
Calfs, lambs, chickens and kids were just some of the animals we reared, cared for and showed on this great community day.
You are facing the wrong way Noah!
Some of us created a living garden instead of rearing an animal.
It was a fantastic day and a huge success.

Your chicken looks very comfortable in your arms Tayla

Great balance Sam.

Very relaxed Grayson!

Look at Connor's amazing strawberry wall.
Daniel looks very happy with his living garden.

Anika has created a colourful garden of pretty blooms.

What gorgeous calves.

Your chicken is gorgeous Hannah.
Your chicken has very good balance Katherine.

Wednesday 18 September 2013


WALT:  Identify the key words in a procedure and then follow the instructions.

·        Sort out important ideas/events by finding the key words
·        Explain why they are key words
      Follow the instructions to blow bubbles

We were using a variety of different bubble makers to blow bubbles with.

It took quite a bit of puff to blow them.

We had to get the mixture just right.

Monday 19 August 2013

On Thursday 15th August, Clevedon School hosted the Wearable Arts Show. It was a fantastic event that showcased the incredible talent we have at school. Here are some of the fantastic entrants from Room 10.
The stage is set.

Holly is confident on the catwalk.

Katherine strikes a pose.

What a beautiful model.

Hannah sets the stage on fire.

Anika poses on the catwalk.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Digital Citizenship Week - Week 2 Term 3

Room 10 - Respectful communication.

This is our Wordle

We are learning to show the PRIDE values in all that we do.

Here we are using digital equipment.

In Room 10, we know how to treat digital equipment respectfully.

Monday 12 August 2013

Clevedon School Cross Country
Wednesday 7th August

A fantastic day was had by all. The hard training that the children put in, certainly paid off as they flew around the course. We had many parents there on the day supporting their children.
Well done everybody and especially to the winners who we are very proud of.

WOW! You are so fast Katherine. No wonder you came first in your year group.

Here comes Holly on the back straight.

What awesome runners we have in Room 10.

Go Millie. You are looking very fit.

Katherine is crossing the finish line in first place. Well done Katherine.

The boys are really stretching it out. Go!

Go Nick. You are powering along.

Great concentration from Tate.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Signs and Symbols

In Room 10 we have been learning about signs and symbols. We have been looking at signs and symbols in our classroom, our local community and worldwide.
Here we are, ready to go on a walk around our local community to look at different signs and symbols.
These are just a few of the signs we saw.

Monday 29 July 2013

Term 2
April 2013
After about 10 days the caterpillar finally turned into a beautiful butterfly.
We were so lucky to watch this happening right in our classroom. Amazing!

April 2013
As the caterpillars grew, we had to find more and more food for them

The caterpillar grew and grew.

The caterpillar spun itself into a chrysalis 

April 2013
We were lucky enough to have been given some swan plants with tiny baby monarch caterpillars on the leaves. Over the days we watched these tiny caterpillars grow rapidly into big fat caterpillars. Gosh, do they eat heaps!
Two days later and the caterpillar has grown.
The tiny baby caterpillar. So small you can hardly see it.