Saturday 15 February 2014


We are improving our fitness by taking part in daily fitness sessions. We especially enjoy running around the field.
We always finish off with some stretches.


 We are working really hard in our class. We love our new working spaces. It really makes learning easier and exciting.
Olivia is working very independently.

There is lots of work happening here.

We are concentrating really hard an trying to complete all our work.

Boys hard at work

It is so easier to stay focused in our classroom.

Monday 10 February 2014

Our Classroom Treaty
11th February 2014
The big signing!

We all agree to abide by the rules of the Treaty.

I am happy to be part of this occasion.

This is a positive thing to be part of.

I am so proud to be a part of Room 10.

I can just fit my name here at the bottom.

This is a serious and momentous event.

Tuesday 4 February 2014