Tuesday 20 May 2014

Book Week - Week 2 - Term 2
As part of Book Week we had an opportunity to share books with other classes. Every day we shared with a different class. They read stories to us and we read stories to them.
Zahra and Rhylie are reading together to Dana.

Lucy is reading with such expression to Emma.
Olivia is very interested in the story that Abby is reading.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Term 2 Inquiry Unit
Last term we visited MOTAT as part of our Integrated Studies Unit. We had such a great day. The children were so excited and motivated about the exhibitions we saw and have been able to discuss in detail how simple machines have made our lives easier.


At the end of Term One we celebrated GREEN DAY. We had fun dressing up in green but the real reason behind the day was to clean our school up and get rid of all the rubbish. The following pictures show us taking part in the 'Big Clean up'.